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3 Ways To Ensure That Your Heating System Isn't Impacting Your Indoor Air Quality

Good indoor air quality is absolutely vital when trying to keep your family and yourself healthy. Here are three ways to ensure that your heating system isn't impacting your indoor air.

Make Sure To Have Your Ducts Cleaned Periodically

One of the most overlooked ways to keep your heating system from impacting your indoor air quality is having your ducts cleaned. In many cases, people go many years without even thinking about cleaning out their ducts, which is a problem as dust, allergens, and all kinds of other nasty stuff are going to be building up in those ducts. What makes this even worse is that when your heater actually turns on the hot air is going to blow all of those items out of the vents and into the air all over the home.

Make Sure To Replace Or Clean Your Furnace Filter

Another good option when trying to keep your heating system from impacting your indoor air quality is to make sure to replace or clean your furnace filter. This is extremely important because when the furnace filter is not kept clean, more dust and other particles are going to be passing through the filter and forcing their way into the rest heating system. As result, you can expect to see a lot more dust and allergens in the air, which can make your indoor air quality drop dramatically and result in health issues for you and everyone in your home.

Consider Replacing Your Heating System

Finally, a good way to ensure that your heating system isn't negatively affecting your indoor air quality is to consider replacing your heating system. If you have a forced air heating system and are quite fond of that setup, you can consider simply replacing the furnace as many older furnaces will contribute to poor indoor air quality due to both their age and the fact that older furnaces don't filtration systems as efficient as those on modern furnaces.

Alternatively, you can replace the entire heating system with a radiant heating system. With this system, your indoor air quality isn't being affected by the heating system because there are no vents, ducts, or fans that can store or move debris and dust around the house.

Your heating system doesn't have to impact the indoor air quality of your home as there are many ways available to you when it comes to preventing that issue. Make sure to have your ducts cleaned periodically, make sure to replace or clean your furnace filter, and consider replacing your heating system to ensure that your heating system isn't impacting your indoor air quality.
