Four Common Air Conditioning Questions... Answered Concisely

Air conditioning is complicated. That should be no secret, being that HVAC technicians need to spend several years learning and training before becoming fully licensed to install and repair systems. As a homeowner, it is not uncommon for you to have questions about air conditioning. But the answers you find in guides written for HVAC experts may be tough to understand, leaving your head spinning. You're not an HVAC expert, and you don't strive to be -- but you do deserve answers that you understand. [Read More]

How To Improve Your AC Air Quality

The quality of the air in your home largely depends on how well you maintain your AC system. That is, if you AC and air filters are not regularly cleaned or changed, you could end up with dusty air. Allergens like dust mites, dander and pollen can get recirculated into your home if you AC system is not doing its job. The air conditioner is responsible for much more than just blowing cold air into your rooms. [Read More]

Adding AC To Your Home Offers More Benefits That You Might Imagine

Why do people add air conditioning to their homes? The first answer that comes to your mind is probably "to stay cool." But while the primary function of air conditioning is to lower the temperature of your indoor air, cooler air is not the only benefit you'll experience when you elect to add an AC unit to your HVAC system. Here's a look at some of the lesser-known benefits of air conditioning. [Read More]

Mold And Your HVAC Unit: Everything You Need To Know

In most cases, when you need an AC repair, your HVAC system will show some signs of disrepair. For instance, it may not cycle on and off correctly, it may not turn on at all, or it may have other functional issues. However, there is one huge issue that may not affect the functioning of your AC at all—that's mold. Wondering about the dangers of mold, how to diagnose mold and what to do if it appears? [Read More]